Home / Romania

Name of the Police Certificate: Criminal Record (Certificat de Cazier judiciar)

If you live in Romania

Apply in person to the county police inspectorate where you live.

If you live outside of Romania

Apply at your nearest Romanian Embassy (see complete listing on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website) or through the Inspectoratul General al Politiei in Romania. You can also appoint a representative through notarized power of attorney to apply for you in Romania.

Contact Information:

Direcţia cazier judiciar, statistică şi evidenţe operative
Director: Comisar Șef de Poliţie Predescu Constantin
Tel.: 021/316.49.75, 021/208.25.25 int. 26954;
Fax: 021/317.87.90
Adresa: Şos. Ştefan cel Mare, nr. 13-15, Bucureşti – S2

Further instructions are available at Politia Romana (available in Romanian only).

Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/

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