Home / Criminal Background Checks-2 Hours Service
Criminal Background Checks-2 Hours Service

Canadian Criminal Background Check (CPIC) and Judicial Matters Check
Two hours of Service at a Low Price of $35.00.
No Appointment Required. Walk-in with two valid IDs
Walk in with two valid IDs to receive a name and date of birth based criminal record check or judicial matters check in a couple of hours. You can get this criminal background check for employment, volunteer work, school program, real estate license, warehouse, taxi license, and other civil screening purposes.

Lowest Cost
We have not changed our prices since 2009. The cost of basic name and date of birth based police check is $35.00 plus HST. Visit our pricing page.
The Process
A Criminal Background Check is a search based on an individual’s name and date of birth to determine if there is a criminal record.
A Criminal Record Check is known as a Criminal Check, CPIC, Criminal Background Check, Police Clearance Certificate, Police Check, and Police Records Check.
A background check may also include a search of a Canadian police service’s local records. It may reveal criminal record information that has not been reported to the RCMP.
Worldwide Forensic Services Inc. has an MOU with the Canadian Police Service to submit applications for a name and date of birth-based check or a Judicial Matters Check. The police process the applications by checking the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database and can provide the results as fast as 2 hours.
The cost for basic name and date of birth based check is only $35.00 plus HST for the same-day service. We transmit the application and scanned copies of IDs to a less busy police office and receive the results in 2 hours or less. You do not have to wait for two to three weeks to obtain a basic name and date of birth-based criminal record check.
The police check is issued after searching the RCMP’s National Database (CPIC). It does not matter which police office issues it.

IDs Required
Bring two valid IDs. At least one of the following primary IDs must be provided with a secondary I.D. that includes a signature:
Driver’s Licence
Canadian Passport
Foreign Passport
Canadian Citizenship Card
Permanent Resident (PR) Card
Certificate of Indian Status
Student Identity Card
Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Identification Card
Federal, Provincial, or Municipal Identification Card
Military Family Identification Card (MFID)
Immigration papers and Social Insurance Number cards are not acceptable.
Vulnerable Sector Check
We do not offer vulnerable sector check screening or background checks to individuals below the age of 18 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can visit our office with two pieces of valid IDs. If you come before 2 pm, you can get it in 2 hours or less.
You are required to bring two pieces of acceptable identification (one of them must be a photo ID), and the application fees.
An appointment is not needed. You can walk-in during our office hours.
There is no difference. We are an agent of the police services, and will submit your application to the police. The police clearance certificate is issued by the police on their letter-head.
We are an agent of comparatively less busier police services. They are pretty fast in sending back the police clearance.
Your application for name and date of birth based police clearance may end up in an incomplete result asking for submission of fingerprints to the RCMP. You will loose the money paid for the CPIC.
You can walk-in with two valid IDs. We will take fingerprints and electronically transmit them to the RCMP.
You can come back to pick-up the original police certificate.
Please visit our Digital Fingerprinting page to get detailed information.