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Digital Fingerprinting Scarborough

Digital Fingerprinting or Ink & Roll Fingerprinting Service in Scarborough, Toronto.

No Appointment Required. Walk-in with two valid IDs

Lowest Cost $39.00 plus HST

Worldwide Forensic Services Inc is one of the leading fingerprinting agencies, providing digital fingerprinting as well as ink & roll fingerprinting services for obtaining a Certified Criminal Record Check from the RCMP Canada (also known as “Canadian Police Clearance”, “Criminal Background Check”, “RCMP Check”, “Certificate of Good Conduct” etc.).

Walk in with two valid IDs (one must be a photo ID) to obtain a Certified Criminal Record Check for Immigration, Citizenship, Record Suspension (Pardon Application), Name Change, Visa, US Waiver, Employment, Adoption, etc.

We also offer digital fingerprinting services for obtaining a police check for US immigration, an Identity History Summary Check from the FBI USA, or police clearance from all other countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Jamaica, Mexico, Philippines, Egypt, etc.

Being forensic professionals, with over 37 years of experience, the fingerprinting services provided by our office are far better than the services provided by ordinary technicians.

Lowest Cost

We have not changed our prices since 2009. The cost of digital or ink & roll fingerprinting is $39.00 plus HST. The RCMP fee $25.00 also applies in some cases. Visit our pricing page.

Digital Fingerprinting Services in Toronto

State-of-the-art fingerprinting services for all non-criminal purposes, including:

Security Screening requiring DCN number

Immi­gra­tion to Canada or other countries

For US Visa/Immigration under the Privacy Act


Adoptions– Canadian and International

Foreign Travel– U.S. Waiver, Visa

Pardon applications

Name Change

For Health Canada

For contracts and licenses

Vol­un­teer work

To get a copy of the pardoned crim­i­nal record

Request made under the Privacy Act

ICCRC Exam/Licensing

Fingerprinting for Nursing Boards

All other non-criminal purposes.

Accredited and Certified by the RCMP

Our company is accredited and cer­ti­fied by the RCMP to submit electronic fingerprints to the CCRTIS in support of criminal record checks, and recognized by the Cit­i­zen­ship and Immi­gra­tion Canada, FBI, and other agencies. We work on behalf of police service and comply with all the federal, provincial, and munic­i­pal privacy laws.

Acceptable IDs

You can walk in with two valid acceptable iden­ti­fi­ca­tion (one of them must be a photo ID) and the applic­a­ble fees. The following are the acceptable identifications:


Driver’s Licence

Health Card

Landing Paper (record of landing)

Gov­ern­ment ID

Birth Cer­tifi­cate

Cit­i­zen­ship Card or Document

Per­ma­nent Res­i­dence Card

Provin­cial Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Card

Work Permit

Study Permit Please

Note: If you do not have the orig­i­nal doc­u­men­ta­tion, only cer­ti­fied copies will be accepted.

Digital Fingerprinting

Worldwide Forensic Services Inc. is equipped with a hi-tech live scan fin­ger­print system to provide fast, secure, and reliable services. Live scan fin­ger­print­ing is a tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ment that has made it pos­si­ble to capture and transmit fin­ger­prints elec­tron­i­cally. This process of fin­ger­print­ing is inkless, correct, and speedy. In most cases, the RCMP processes the fin­ger­print­ing applications within 72 hours. If there is a record, the RCMP can take 2-4 months to send the results.

Supported by highly qual­i­fied and skilled staff, having over 37 years experience in fin­ger­prints iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and com­par­i­son, we make sure the recording of clear fin­ger­prints to min­i­mize the pos­si­ble quality rejec­tion by the RCMP, FBI or the other law enforcement agencies.

Live Scan Technology Provides

Vir­tu­ally error-free process

No messy ink or long waits

Fin­ger­print cap­ture takes less than 10 minutes

Secure electronic sub­mis­sion to the RCMP

We also provide fin­ger­print­ing services for obtaining

Cer­tifi­cate of Good Conduct from the UAE

Police Clearance from Barbados

Police Clearance from British Vir­gin Island

Police Clearance from Dominica

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Egypt

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Ethiopia

Police Clearance from Grenada

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Haiti

Cer­tifi­cate of No Crim­i­nal Con­vic­tion from Hong Kong

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Jamaica

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Mexico

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Nigeria

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Qatar Cer­tifi­cate of Clearance from Singapore

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Sr. Lucia

Police Clearance from St. Vincent

Police Cer­tifi­cate from Trinidad and Tobago

Identity History Check from the USA

Other countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can call the RCMP at 613-998-6362 or send­ an email to CCRTIS-SCICTR@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.

The RCMP do not allow us to check the status or follow up with them.

You can come to our Scar­bor­ough office at 55 Town Centre Court to get fast and friendly ser­vices at low­est rates.

Yes the Citizenship and Immigration Canada accept only fingerprints based police clearance (also known as “certified criminal record check”, “criminal records check”, “criminal background check”, “certificate of good conduct”, “PCC” etc.)

We charge $39.00 plus HST. The RCMP fee $25.00 also applies in some cases.

Please visit ‘our pric­ing’ page for more details.

The fingerprints taken with live-scan are clearer than the ink & roll fingerprints. The process is easy, and we can right away transmit fingerprints to the RCMP (via a secure server).

The RCMP nor­mally process elec­tronic fin­ger­print sub­mis­sion in 72 hours, as com­pared to the months taken for pro­cess­ing ink & roll fingerprints.

There is no dif­fer­ence. We are an agent of the police. The clear­ance let­ter is issued by the police on their let­ter-head. We simply help to get it done in a quicker way.

You can walk-in with two pieces of ID. We are accred­ited and cer­ti­fied by the RCMP to take and transmit fingerprints for civil pur­poses. The fingerprints are taken with live-scan and transmitted to the RCMP in couple of minutes.

Yes we can. You can walk-in with two pieces of ID and walk-out with a complete fingerprint form.

No. You can walk-in during our office hours.

You are required to bring two pieces of accept­able iden­ti­fi­ca­tion (one of them must be a photo ID) and the appli­ca­tion fees.

The RCMP will directly send a certified criminal record check (hard copy), via Canada Post regular (non-trackable) mail. If you fill-out and sign a third party consent form, the RCMP can also send the certified criminal record check to a third party.

Yes we can. We are foren­sic pro­fes­sion­als and make sure that your fin­ger­prints are clear and pass through the qual­ity tests of the FBI. Please visit our FBI Fingerprinting Page.

We have FBI fin­ger­print cards and the required information. You would need to bring only two pieces of ID.

Yes we do. The fingerprints taken by us are accepted by all the foreign countries including Hong Kong, Singapore, Nigeria, Jamaica, Iran, UAE, Qatar, St. Vincent etc.

You may be required to pro­vide a fin­ger­print based police clearance.

Yes. The authorities require a fingerprint based check.

Our local clients come from Scarborough, Markham, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Malton, Etobicoke, North York, Pickering, Whitby, Stouffville, Oakville, Milton, Hamilton etc.

We have helped thousands of our international clients with 100% success rate. Please read their Testimonials.
